Monday, April 30, 2007

Cartoon Character du Jour

It's hard to believe that today is the last day of April. Where is the year going? Wasn't it just Christmas? It seems like Nathan's birthday was just last weekend, and now Gracie's is looming just over the horizon. I need to start planning and ordering things for her party or it will sneak up on me and I will have nothing done.

She wanted (as much as an almost 2 year old can want) a Curious George themed party last year, so that's what we had. Then over the past year she became enamoured with Dora the Explorer. If the television was on, she was watching Dora. She had Dora backpacks, coloring books, dolls, figurines and DVDs. Her little life was Dora. But in recent months the fickle pendulum of childhood has moved back to Curious George. She loves the movie and the PBS series. She doesn't even mention Dora anymore. Poor Dora.....tossed to the side in favor of a monkey.

So, I guess we'll be doing a Curious George party again. I think my children have a defective gene that makes them want the same theme at least 2 years in a row. Nathan had a love affair with Buzz Lightyear that lasted from his 4th to 5th birthday and yes, we had two Buzz Lightyear themed parties. I tried in vain to talk him out of it, but he was adamant. Within a few months of his 5th birthday he had tired of Buzz and retired all of those toys to the closet. His new love was Cars, and he left Buzz in the dust.

I wonder were we will be next year? Will Grace love Dora again (!) or will she want Disney princesses? Will Nathan want Cars or will he have moved on to more mature subject matter like Transformers or Superman? It's funny how I mark the years with the cartoon character du jour, but I'm glad that they are still kids and acting like it. I'm going to be so sad the year that Nathan comes and informs me that he is too old for "baby" parties. That he wants to go do something with his friends (the obvious point being that I am not a part of that group). All I can pray is that God will give me the grace to let him go and spread his wings a little.

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