I learned that Alana and I have the same tooth fairy...right on top of it for the first tooth, and then totally dropped the ball for the second one! As I woke up the morning after the Placing of the Tooth Under the Pillow, I realized with horror that I had totally forgotten to put any money there!!! I bolted out of bed, praying that he was still asleep. My heart sank as I went into his bedroom to find him with his head under the bed checking to see if the booty had fallen there. His tear filled eyes met mine, and I quickly constructed a story about how busy the tooth fairy had been last night and that I was sure she would come tonight.
Which she did. With applied interest.
Danger averted!
Then there was Faraja who took reader requests and blogged about mine....a day in the life for her. But she did me one better! She did a week in the life and it was wonderful. It was complete with pictures and an interesting glimpse into her daily routine. I think we should all do that, because I feel like I know Faraja so much better know. Being aware of the whereabouts and schedules of friends makes them all the more close. This Friday I will be thinking, "Ooohhh! Faraja and the kids have a free day!" and it makes me feel like I am a girlfriend down the street who just waved as they passed by on their walk, instead of on the opposite side of the world.
Kate shared over the course of several days the journey she has made with her son John, and small glimpse into her future with him. It was honest and raw, and she reminded me that "underneath the makeup and the matching outfits and the small talk that make up our exteriors, we are a broken people. To pretend otherwise creates isolation. Thoughtful honesty creates closer relationships and greater understanding. When we share the way God works in the difficult things of life it encourages first oneself and then others." Go to her blog and promise you will receive a blessing.
Melissa got a new look, Christine introduced me to the Christian Woman Online Internet Cafe, and Karen invited me in for a quick coffee break. Lisa hosts the "I AM... so you don't have to be" online bible study and the responses of the women participating this round are so amazing. As I jumped from blog to blog, eager to to read another then another, I was so encouraged by how we all struggle with the same fears and that we all know how to overcome it if we will just take that step of faith and say "Yes!"
I found a new recipe at Southern Girl's Home Cookin', and learned how to put a cool signature at the bottom of my post from Alana who learned how from Debra. Go here if you would like to add one to your blog. Hopefully I am not the only person out there who has just figured out this technology!
So, technically I didn't post today about anything new or interesting in my life. I have been living vicariously through you guys and it's been a pleasure! Ya'll are awesome and I just want to thank each of you for making me laugh, making me think and sometimes making me cry. Surely God has blessed me because I am not alone...
Two are better than one,
Because they have a good reward for their labor.
For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.
But woe to him who is alone when he falls,
For he has no one to help him up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

This was fun, Xandra! Thanks for including my link:) I enjoyed visiting the other blogs. Congrats on the two new kitties!
Hey Xandra!
I loved this post. How fun! Some of the links I had already read, but now I have a few more to visit and check out.
You are so sweet to mention my blog. It is great to relate to one another and feel like we are not alone in this crazy endeavor called life!
Thank you for the mention Xandra!! I've enjoyed getting to know you through the 'I AM' Study...Again, blown away by your first post..:))
Blessings on you!! ;))
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