Tuesday, November 9, 2010

No Pressure

We were sitting together in the living room when Gracie came in with a part from her Little Mermaid bath tub play set in her little hand.  She walked to Trevor, held it out and said:

Daddy, since I know you're an engineer and you can fix anything, can you please fix this?

No pressure, baby.  No pressure at all.


Mocha with Linda said...

She is such a cutie!

You'll have to remind her and her daddy of this moment in about 8-10 years when she thinks he can't do anything!

Heather C said...

Aaaaaaaw. I love that he's so big in her eyes. Our kids NEED heroes. The Lord is the ultimate Hero, but sometimes it's easier for them to see us than to see Him. SO thankful her daddy is hero-material. :) (And her mom is Wonderwoman)