Saturday, September 20, 2008

I'm Still Here

I'm still alive and kicking, but things have been a bit crazy around here post-Ike. We were fortunate enough to have our power restored on Tuesday afternoon, just 4 days after the hurricane hit. I praised God every morning for the cool weather and comfortable days following the storm. After Rita, it was sweltering hot and it made working in the yard a bit hellish. This time, we had plenty of cool breezes and cool evenings to take the edge off.

I thought you might get a kick out of seeing what a small town I live in. The powers that be still use a siren to let the town know when there is a tornado, fire, wreck or (in case you don't own a clock) when it's noon. I recorded the siren going off the night that Ike hit, and it struck terror in my heart when I heard it because when the weather is bad, it usually means tornado. (We actually had one touch down in the woods behind our house later that night) In this case, there was a fire, because soon thereafter we saw fire trucks racing by our road.

I also included a little video of the tail end of the storm. The winds had died down a bit by the time it was light enough for me to take any video footage, but it was still whipping the trees around a good bit.

So, I haven't disappeared, but I have been busy. As soon as I get a few minutes to gather my thoughts, I'll post again. Your prayers were much appreciated and I ask that each of you continue to pray for those who are still without power and for those who have lost everything.

(BTW...does anyone know why my videos always appear TWICE when I post?? It's really annoying.)


luvmy4sons said...

Glad to hear from you. I can imagine that you are busy. Our little half an Ike that hit us here in Ohio has kept us busy. I can only imagine how much you are still dealing with. Hugs to you.

lori said...

Man It's good to hear you are okay.
I have thought a lot about my Texas girls. Has anyone you know been affected badly? I was thinking about the people who really lost everything, I'd like to do some type of care package, but gotta figure out how.

Oh and the siren, was like a movie of the good ole days

Heather C said...

No idea why they post twice... so glad your power is back and that you all weathered the storm. Praying for your small town as you all continue to clean up and put things back together. (((((((hugs))))))))))

Andrea said...

I still can't believe what some people have had to go through (and still are!) with a storm like this. Take your time with posting; we all understand!

Mocha with Linda said...


I laughed wen I saw the title of this post.

Praise and Coffee said...

Oh girl, I'm so glad you are ok, hugs!

Buffi Young said...

wow girl...I'm SO GLAD you guys are ok. I thought about you the whole time we were watching the news. It truly is scary when you've got those tornado sirens going off. We have them here too and the kids get TERRIFIED when they go off. Our town that we live in is in one of the top 5 most likely places to be hit by a tornado. And we have several times. So when those things go off...we take them VERY SERIOUSLY!!! It's terrible in the middle of the night though! :( glad you're ok. Thanks for keeping us posted!! Hope your week is good! Miss ya!

Kelly said...

Did not know you were affected--praying for you!

Alana said...

I know that siren sound. It's a very scary sound. Hang in there...