There has been much speculation over the last few days about the path Ike will take. Will it continue west-northwest, or will it jog north and become more of a threat for the area in which I live? Like most people who live within striking distance, I have followed Ike's progress with something akin to obsession. I eagerly read the updates from NOAA, and then go to our local website to see what it has to say.
I was reading an article a few minutes ago about the storm, and was relieved to see that we Texans have our priorities firmly in the right place. That's right. I'm talking about High! School! Football!
Any town within 100 miles of the coast has rescheduled the Friday! Football! Game! to Thursday evening. Hurricane notwithstanding, it is vitally important to us that we have continuity and watching our boys play will insure that we have it. Sure, might be damaged or destroyed, some will be without power for an extended period of time and people will be displaced but we will know who won the district games and our stats won't be disrupted.
Texas High School Football.
It's a beautiful thing.
(Just for the record, I love me some High School football.)
Being from the south, I know that high school football is somewhat of a god. I hope Ike stays away from you. We have been watching it closely also, we are leaving for the gulf today for a vacation. It looks like we have nothing to worry about in FL.
LOL. I think I've been to one, maybe two high-school football games in my life. Including when I was in high-school. Of course, my school team was horrid so that may have had something to do with it.
That and I don't like the sport. =) Sorry.
I'll be praying that Ike loses steam by the time he hits anywhere else.
Well, you got to keep on living. I hope you are spared any real damage from this storm. As one football fan to another- I get it! LOL!
Yeah, and heaven forbid, they're thinking about canceling the UT game Saturday. What's a little rain and wind?!
Too funny about the football games. I am praying that you all stay safe.
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