Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Psalm 91 Woman Conference

I am so excited! My fabulous sister-in-law invited me to attend a women's conference with her in October. Noel Piper will be leading it, and she will be speaking on the "Psalm 91 Woman". If you live in the DC area and are interested in attending click here. It will be held at Patrick and Ronna's church, Capitol Hill Baptist. I can hardly wait to fellowship specifically with Ronna and generally with so many other Christian women.

As an added bonus, Trevor and I had enough frequent flyer miles to get 2 plane tickets, so he will be spending the weekend with Patrick so we will both get a little vacation from the craziness that is our life! I am so blessed to be married to a man who loves my family and who enjoys spending time with my brother. I am equally blessed to have a sister-in-law who I love dearly!

If you are interested in attending the conference, I think the registration is closed to the general public until September the 2nd. The church wanted to give their members a chance to sign up before they opened it up to everyone. If you are able to attend, I would love to hear from you so we can actually meet in person! I feel like I know so many of you through our blogs and it would be really cool to meet you face to face and spend some time praising God together.

I am also excited about starting the "I AM" online bible study from The Preacher's Wife today. I just read the first lesson and I am trying to formulate the answers to the questions so that I can begin posting. Thanks to Faraja who got me interested in this study to begin with!

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