Thursday, February 7, 2008

I Had a Dream Last Night

I had a dream last night. Not in itself unusual, but the content was a little strange. I was looking out of my daughter's bedroom window and the booster from a Saturn rocket landed on our swingset. I can still see the glowing debris, and the feeling of dismay that a stinking rocket had destroyed our backyard.

Then the doorbell rang. I went to answer it, and there on my front porch was Heather. Never mind that Heather doesn't live anywhere close to Texas, or that she has no idea what my address is. But I was so excited to finally meet her in person, that I didn't even care that she introduced herself as Karen. She looked like Heather, but her name was Karen. Somehow in my dream it seemed perfectly logical, like she was two people at one time.

We had such a good chat as we walked around the yard, and she was kind enough to not mention the burning Saturn rocket. She then told me that she was going to Washington, DC and that she would like to meet my brother and sister-in-law. I gave her the name of the law firm where he works and encouraged her to give him a call. I even volunteered their house for free lodging.

Why do things that seem so normal during dreams appear completely ridiculous upon waking? I mean seriously, a Saturn rocket was burning in my backyard and it was no big deal. As was the fact that a person who lives in New England and that I have only met through blogging just showed up at my door. With the wrong name. Wow.

So Heather and Karen, I hope you aren't freaked out that I am now dreaming about you. Although I would totally love it if any of my bloggy friends just showed up at my door! Do you think I'm spending too much time here?


luvmy4sons said...

Too funny. I always have such bizarre strange dreams and hubby never does. He rarely if ever remembers dreaming at all! He thinks I am nutso! Glad I am not alone!

Heather C said...

I am totally honored that you dreamt about me! LOL. I wish I COULD show up on your porch! We could talk for hours! :) Love you!

Karen said...

I don't know if you're spending too much time here, but could I really stay with your brother for free if I went to Washington D.C.? It's one of my favorite places!

Crystal said...

I do not think you're weird at all! I had a dream about Lisa (The Preacher's Wife) a few weeks ago! Although I am pregnant and have been having STRANGE dreams pretty much every night! I even had a dream that included one of the designers on Extreme Home Makeovers! Weird!

Buffi Young said...

How funny!!!! It IS amazing how real dreams seem!! would be really neat to actually meet our blogging friends!! They've all been such a blessing to me!!! Praise the Lord for the internet!! I think its been a wonderful thing for all of us moms!!! Hope you have a fantastic weekend!!!!

Mocha with Linda said...

Yeah, I do the same things. Completely bizarre things make perfect sense until I remember them in the light of day.

Alana said...

Oh that is FUNNY! Dreams are so strange sometimes. Next time, can you make sure and invite me along? I'd love to meet both you and Heather!

Andrea said...

hee hee...that's funny!

Anonymous said...

Haha - well I knew this blogging thing had really gotten a hold of me when I started to dream about blogging friends I'd never met in person. I've dreamt of two so far (in seperate dreams) and they were both the most bizzare dreams ever :)