Thursday, December 20, 2007

Tiny Talk--Christmas Edition

These are the answers given by Nathan, age 6:

1. Why do we celebrate Christmas? For God’s birthday.
2. What would you like for Christmas? Light saver (That would be a light saber, and he has a really cool one under the tree as we speak!)
3. What is your favorite Christmas decoration in our house? The breakable ones. (Heaven help me!)
4. Why do we give presents? To be thankful.
5. What should daddy buy mommy? New pencils. (I should probably add that he was holding a brand, spanking new pencil in his hand when he offered that one up. Can you say "one track mind"?)
6. What should mommy buy daddy? Cool glasses.
7. Why was there no room at the inn? Because it was already full of people. (I wish a had a picture of the "duh" look on his face)
8. What gifts did the wise men bring? A cup and something. (We will be reviewing the Christmas story in great detail over the next few days)
9. How does Santa find our house? A map
10. Do you think you've been good so Santa will bring you a present? Yes. (Somehow I am not surprised by this answer!)
11. How does Santa make it to all of the houses? 'Cause he’s so fast.
12. How did Santa get so fat? It’s either his clothes or he eats alot. (I know from personal experience that it's just my clothes.)
13. What are Santa's favorite cookies? Chocolate chip. (That's my boy!)

These are the answers given by Grace, age 3:

1. Why do we celebrate Christmas? Because we get presents. (Again...a lonngggg talk about the meaning of Christmas is in order.)
2. What is your favorite food/treat to eat at Christmas time? Goldfish. (Hmmm...not my first choice)
3. What would you like for Christmas? Um um um...a jumping choo choo train. (I fear that she will be disappointed Christmas morning, because we have no idea what this is!)
4. What is your favorite Christmas decoration in our house? A Christmas tree light on.
5. What songs do you like to sing at Christmas time? Jingle Bells.
6. How does Santa find our house? In his a red car.
7. What are Santa's favorite cookies? Pretty cookies.
8. What are those white things we like to toast over the fire? Smarshmallows!

We had fun trying to get these videos of them singing...apparently singing is "too hard" according to Gracie in the first snippet.......

For more Tiny Talk, go here.

1 comment:

Alana said...

That is so fun! Those videos are so classic.

Singing is tough work! Poor Gracie ;-)

Merry Christmas!