Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Conversations From the Back Seat

We were out shopping Sunday after church, and we decided to get lunch before we went here.

Me: (In my most upbeat, encouraging voice) Who wants Chinese food?

Nathan: Not me. I want Mexican. (my sweet little Texas boy)

Me: But this is one of Mommy's favorite restaurants. Let's just try it out, ok?

Nathan: Can we get pork chops?

Me: Huh?

Nathan: You know, pork chops.

Me: Well, they don't usually serve pork chops at Chinese restaurants, baby.

Nathan: (With a look sure to make me realize my utter stupidity) Not to eat! You know...the things you eat with!

Me: (struggling not to laugh as I realized what he meant) Do you mean chopsticks?

Nathan: Yes ma'am.


Alana said...

That is hilarious! I needed that little chuckle!

Kate said...

Pork chops! How funny. I bet you'll call them pork chops for the rest of your lives.
