Saturday, October 20, 2007

10-20-30 Virus

Found this one at Karen's blog, and thought it would be fun to play along.....

10 Years Ago:
I was newly married to the love of my life. I had quit my job and moved to Portsmouth, Virginia where he was stationed until he was discharged from the Navy, and then found myself back in Houston with no job. Trevor was trying to figure out what he was going to do as a civilian, and I took a temporary job as a waitress (bar none the worst job I've ever had, including the time I processed fecal samples for MD Anderson) and we moved in with his parents for a few weeks, and then on to my parent's house. Thank goodness it only took a few months for Trevor to find a job in Carlsbad, NM and we moved there at the first of the year.

20 Years Ago:
I was a sophomore in high school, and very involved with my boyfriend (there are 4 years of my life that I can't ever get back). The only thing that took more of my time than my boyfriend was church...we were a two times Sunday and Wednesday night kind of family, and I spent every moment that I was not in school, dating or practicing my trombone for honor band tryouts, with the youth at church. (Yes, you read that correctly. I play trombone....went to State my freshman year...probably never going to stop bragging about that) I sang in the youth choir, served on the youth council and in spite of my involvement, spent a largish amount of my time pushing the boundaries of authority with my parents.

30 Years Ago:
This one is a little harder since I was only 5 and in Mrs. Curry's Kindergarten class. I do recall making a play dough ashtray for my dad, and being falsely accused of playing during nap time and being paddled. The culprit was Doyle Terrell (who turned out to be a bad boy throughout our school years) and I never really forgave him for getting me in trouble. I also remember very distinctly being aware for the first time of my foot falling asleep. I was sitting on my knees waiting in line before school, and when I stood up it felt like I was walking on platform shoes but I couldn't feel my feet. Isn't it weird the things we remember from childhood?

So now it's your turn. Where were you 10-20-30 years ago?


Karen said...

This was fun to read, Xandra. My husband plays trombone. Played in a jazz band through college, and in high school -- this cracks me up -- was the "corner turner" for his line. Insists it was a very important job and my friend who plays sax and was the corner person gets a bit put out when I tease them. Obviously, I've never marched in a band and have no idea the intricacies involved.

Xandra@Heart-of-Service said...

LOL! I spent 4 years in marching band and have never heard the term "corner turner"! The funny thing about my playing trombone is not that I played trombone, but that my dad, uncle, brother, husband (I met him in 8th grade band), brother-in-law, sister-in-law and cousin all played trombone as well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Xandra, I had a go, though my answers weren't nearly as interesting as yours. It's great what you learn about play the trombone, how cool!

Heather C said...

10 years ago - I was recently divorced and discovering life as a single mom of two girls. Working two jobs and homeschooling my oldest (youngest was 2). Not an easy time... but one that I grew from as the Lord taught me to lean on Him.

20 years ago - Hmmm... Fall of my senior year in high school. Very involved in the marketing program (ever heard of DECA?) at my vocational center. I was a rebellious teen... horrid. As I deal with my own children now I wonder how my mother survived. I was simply out of control. I freak out now if my 18 year old is an hour later than she said she'd be... I don't know how my parents did it.

30 years ago - I was 7... that would put me in second grade? Mrs. Babson's class. That was the year my classmates made up a poem about me:

Heather, Heather
Light as a feather
Blows away in windy weather.

Corny, but hey... for 7 years olds, I thought it was pretty clever. :)